Saturday, March 30, 2013

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Wizard of COR (Call of Roma)

The best dummy loader and auto farmer for Call of Roma. Period.

  1. Troop loading
    • Load single or multiple (up to 12) heroes with 1 mouse click.
    • Unlimited number of pre-defined troop configurations.
  2. Luxury hunting
    • Launch single or multiple (up to 9) heroes to maraud a wild.
    • Automatic protective retreat.
    • Automatic bread.
    • Unlimited number of hits as long as there are enough physicals (bread) and troops.
  3. Automatically adjust to different screen sizes (resolutions).
  4. Support multiple browsers
    • Extensively tested in IE.
    • Lightly tested in Firefox and Opera.
    • Does not work in Chrome.
  1. Download it here.
  2. Unzip it to an empty folder. You will see 2 files: WizardOfCOR.exe and troops.xml.
  3. Done.
How to use:
  1. Start/hide/unhide/exit
    • Double-click WizardOfCOR.exe to start the wizard. 
    • Click "X" button at the upper-right corner to hide the wizard into the icon tray ("H"). 
    • Press win+t (window key and "t" at the same time) to unhide the wizard.
    • To exit the wizard, right-click "H" icon in the icon tray and then left-click "Exit".
  2. Load troop
    • Open a hero in "Transfer" tab.
    • Select troop types and type in counts for 6 divisions. You may type "max" in one of the divisions. Alternatively, you can select a pre-defined setup.
    • Click "Load Single" to load the current active hero.
    • Click "Load" to load multiple heroes.
    • Click "Save" to save any changes to the selected pre-defined setup.
    • You can edit troops.xml in any text or xml editor to add new setups or modify existing ones. There is no limit on the number of setups.
  3. Maraud wilds
    • The wizard can launch multiple marauds in tandem on the same wild. One hero per maraud. No dummies.
    • Gear and load up to 9 heroes. Line them up in the lower-right window. The first hero must be at the top-left corner.
    • Click the wild, and click "maraud". This will open the hero panel on "Expedition" tab, and save the wild in "Target".
    • Type Expedition Transit Time (ETT) in the wizard. Set other parameters in the wizard. Click "Go".
    • To use auto bread, heroes must have 150 physicals, i.e. level 100+.
    • There is no limit on how many rounds you can type in the box. However, if the heroes have insufficient physicals, or there is no more bread left under "Auto bread" mode, COR will prevent the heroes from launching. Every hit wears down heroes' troops. The wizard doesn't replenish troops. So you need to make sure that the loaded troops can sustain the rounds of hits.
  4. Pause/resume/stop
    • Press Ctrl+Alt+p to pause whatever the wizard is doing.
    • Press Ctrl+Alt+p again to resume where it was left.
    • Press Esc to stop and reset the wizard.
  5. Match screen
    • The "Match screen" button on the "Maraud" tab is to check whether the wizard correctly detect COR window's size and position. If it does, a translucent window should tightly cover COR. Otherwise, the translucent window will cover the entire screen.
    • If the wizard cannot detect COR window correctly, try another browser or change screen resolution.